Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (October 2012)

Unless the Church in America repents and becomes restored, which includes being in the unity of faith, things will only grow worse in time, regardless of who is elected to any political office.

Does this mean that it is useless for one to vote? Does this mean that it does not matter how one votes? All true disciples of Jesus Christ have an obligation to vote as long as there is freedom to vote. All people, Christian and non-Christian, will declare before God where they stand by how they vote. A true follower of Jesus Christ will make the issues of righteousness their priority in deciding how to vote. God is a God of priorities! He tells His followers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. As I have said and written before, true disciples have only one choice, and that choice is to vote righteousness. One does not have to look past the issues of sanctity of life and Biblical marriage to make the decision of how to vote righteousness.

Deceived people will bring up all kinds of other issues and arguments to justify their choice to bypass the true, in depth issues of righteousness. You have that right! God has given you a free will. But there will come a time, in this life and the life afterward, when all accounts will be settled. True Christians who vote against righteousness will reap the results in this life, and although they will spend eternity with the Lord and His people, they will miss out on some rewards.

God is giving all people, Christians and non-Christians, opportunities to declare who and what they are. He is looking for those who will only be led by His Spirit and will make decisions accordingly. Jesus is still saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"


Restoration and the Future


Unless the Church in America repents and becomes restored, which includes being in the unity of faith, things will only grow worse in time, regardless of who is elected to any political office.

Does this mean that it is useless for one to vote? Does this mean that it does not matter how one votes? All true disciples of Jesus Christ have an obligation to vote as long as there is freedom to vote. All people, Christian and non-Christian, will declare before God where they stand by how they vote. A true follower of Jesus Christ will make the issues of righteousness their priority in deciding how to vote. God is a God of priorities! He tells His followers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. As I have said and written before, true disciples have only one choice, and that choice is to vote righteousness. One does not have to look past the issues of sanctity of life and Biblical marriage to make the decision of how to vote righteousness.

Deceived people will bring up all kinds of other issues and arguments to justify their choice to bypass the true, in depth issues of righteousness. You have that right! God has given you a free will. But there will come a time, in this life and the life afterward, when all accounts will be settled. True Christians who vote against righteousness will reap the results in this life, and although they will spend eternity with the Lord and His people, they will miss out on some rewards.

God is giving all people, Christians and non-Christians, opportunities to declare who and what they are. He is looking for those who will only be led by His Spirit and will make decisions accordingly. Jesus is still saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"