Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (September 2012)

While red, yellow, black and white Christians are spiritually sleeping, increased satanic darkness is fast settling on America. Yes, darkness is already here, but it is fast on the increase! Greater winds of darkness are on the horizon. While this increased darkness approaches, most American Christians continue to sleep like they have been medicated. In fact, they have been medicated. They have been medicated with the lies, deceptions, and other various wiles of Satan—all leading to spiritual stupor. Therefore, they are presently totally unprepared for the times at hand.

How has this taken place? We could come up with many answers, but bottom line answers would lead us to the following two reasons: 1) Most American Christians are not being led by the Holy Spirit; 2) Most American Christians are not sanctified by the truth of God’s Word.

In good times and bad times, Christians are to be led by the Spirit and are to live by the truth of God’s Word. It just happens that we are living in times where it is urgent that we do so. If you are spiritually awake, I urge you to fast and pray-first for the Church and then for our country. (9/27/2012)

In the upcoming United States presidential election, if anyone is looking for either candidate to be a true disciple (follower) of Jesus the fruit is not there for either one. Therefore one may be wise to look at the overall platform of the political parties and ask some questions such as the following: which party comes the closest to properly honoring and rightly dividing our Constitution? Which party's platform comes the closest to honoring God, Biblical marriage and respect for life? Which party's candidate would be more apt to bring bigger government and less states rights? The questions are endless!

Regardless of the outcome the next pilot of our plane is not a true follower of Jesus so true followers of Jesus must look at other areas in making their decision as to how to vote. In the final analysis, the future of our country and our grandchildren depends on whether or not enough true Christians unite in faith and become true salt and light. (One last thought-find out who and/or what the overall evil media is advocating and vote the opposite way). (9/18/2012)