Thursday, December 13, 2012

Denying the Power of the Holy Spirit

”… having a form of godliness but denying its power …” 2 Timothy 3:5
When I awoke this morning, the Spirit of God began speaking to me about the denial of power within a large portion of the modern-day church. Truly, 2 Timothy 3:5 is more relevant currently than it has ever been. There are churches all over the earth who call themselves followers of Jesus but have various forms of godliness and are denying the power thereof. There is no greater demonstration of this problem than by a large number of churches and denominations within the United States of America.

This denial is expressed in several ways, including: denying that Jesus Christ is the only way to God, denying the truth of various parts of the Word of God, and denying the indwelling and overflowing of the Holy Spirit. This morning, the Holy Spirit focused my attention on the latter. There is a denial of the power of the Holy Spirit and the expression thereof in large portions of the modern-day church, especially in the United States.

We recently had political elections in the United States, as most of the world knows. The outcome was decided by how modern church people voted or whether they voted at all. Many stayed home, which was a dereliction of Christian duty; others voted based on deceptive ideologies because they lack a firm grasp of truth found by rightly dividing the Holy Scriptures. Yes, spiritual deception is having a heyday among many of the clergy and their parishioners. Other Christians voted differently than the aforementioned but not all for godly reasons. The overall state of the church is a mess, and one major indicator is in American politics.

Some, or should I say many, of those modern-day church members who cast their votes based on being true to biblical values and our Constitution are the ones I want to address presently. I commend you for standing for both! You voted in a godly way. You are concerned about things in the church world and society both here and abroad. I want you to hear that we must repent of having forms of godliness and denying the power and workings of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of God is working to bring forth a remnant church in the image of Jesus Christ that will be a church of true godliness and mighty power. She will be holy as God is holy in all of her conduct. She will spiritually war against principalities and powers and pull down strongholds that have confused and deceived the minds of many within and without the church.

 Some of you are rightly concerned about the state of things in our nation’s capital as well as across our beloved country. I commend you, but I call you to humility before God and repentance where appropriate. Be assured that major godly change must first come within the church before godly change will take place in our country. We must yield to the Spirit of God, become sanctified with true Biblical truth, unite in faith, say the same things, put on our spiritual armor, and march to victory under the banner of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He has won a victory that we must maintain. Let’s get going and occupy until He comes.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (December 2012)

True Christianity is not a spiritual buffet where one chooses according to their personal appetite and  desire. True and mature Christianity is relationship and intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ demonstrated  by following Him and being in the unity of faith with all His true followers who are sanctified by His truth and empowered by His Spirit to carry on the work that He did while on earth. (12/26/2012)

God will remove the unrighteous from power and influence if enough true followers of Jesus Christ humble themselves, pray and turn from their wicked ways. John Wesley said that God does nothing except in response to the prayers of His people. It is the effective supplications (strong crying out) of the righteous united in faith and agreement with God's Word that avails much. (12/14/2012)

Matthew 7:1 is one of the most misunderstood and misapplied verses in the Word of God. It means not to have a spirit of fault finding accompanied by a bad, critical attitude and overlooking one's own shortcomings while assuming the role of supreme judge in regard to the sins of others. 1 Corinthians 2: 5 and 6:2, 3 help give insight. (12/12/2012)   
The truth of Jesus and Him crucified makes “the Way” for sinners to be saved and for the saved to live victoriously over sin, Satan, the old nature, the flesh and the world. Sinners need to know and by faith receive the first part; the saved needs to know and by faith live by the second part.

If more of the saved lived in victory because of faith in Jesus and Him crucified there would be a greater witness and more of those who are lost would be found (saved). (12/11/2012)

To those who really believe in prayer, supplication and intercession pray for our political leaders. Presently, neither side is moving with Godly wisdom. Some of them may profess to being Christian but overall they are using the wisdom of the world. They must die to self and the wisdom of the world and hear from the Holy Spirit.
To those who really believe in prayer, supplication and intercession pray for our political leaders. Presently, neither side is moving with Godly wisdom. Some of them may profess to being Christian but overall they are using the wisdom of the world. They must die to self and the wisdom of the world and hear from the Holy Spirit.

To you who understand spiritual warfare, pray against the principalities and powers that are influencing many of them and controlling some of them. We desperately need to seek God and receive His intervention. I will add that unless enough true followers of Jesus repent and unite in faith we are still going to be in trouble-deep trouble. Maybe uniting in prayer will draw a remnant together and will make the difference. (12 /05/2012)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (October 2012)

Unless the Church in America repents and becomes restored, which includes being in the unity of faith, things will only grow worse in time, regardless of who is elected to any political office.

Does this mean that it is useless for one to vote? Does this mean that it does not matter how one votes? All true disciples of Jesus Christ have an obligation to vote as long as there is freedom to vote. All people, Christian and non-Christian, will declare before God where they stand by how they vote. A true follower of Jesus Christ will make the issues of righteousness their priority in deciding how to vote. God is a God of priorities! He tells His followers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. As I have said and written before, true disciples have only one choice, and that choice is to vote righteousness. One does not have to look past the issues of sanctity of life and Biblical marriage to make the decision of how to vote righteousness.

Deceived people will bring up all kinds of other issues and arguments to justify their choice to bypass the true, in depth issues of righteousness. You have that right! God has given you a free will. But there will come a time, in this life and the life afterward, when all accounts will be settled. True Christians who vote against righteousness will reap the results in this life, and although they will spend eternity with the Lord and His people, they will miss out on some rewards.

God is giving all people, Christians and non-Christians, opportunities to declare who and what they are. He is looking for those who will only be led by His Spirit and will make decisions accordingly. Jesus is still saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"


Restoration and the Future


Unless the Church in America repents and becomes restored, which includes being in the unity of faith, things will only grow worse in time, regardless of who is elected to any political office.

Does this mean that it is useless for one to vote? Does this mean that it does not matter how one votes? All true disciples of Jesus Christ have an obligation to vote as long as there is freedom to vote. All people, Christian and non-Christian, will declare before God where they stand by how they vote. A true follower of Jesus Christ will make the issues of righteousness their priority in deciding how to vote. God is a God of priorities! He tells His followers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. As I have said and written before, true disciples have only one choice, and that choice is to vote righteousness. One does not have to look past the issues of sanctity of life and Biblical marriage to make the decision of how to vote righteousness.

Deceived people will bring up all kinds of other issues and arguments to justify their choice to bypass the true, in depth issues of righteousness. You have that right! God has given you a free will. But there will come a time, in this life and the life afterward, when all accounts will be settled. True Christians who vote against righteousness will reap the results in this life, and although they will spend eternity with the Lord and His people, they will miss out on some rewards.

God is giving all people, Christians and non-Christians, opportunities to declare who and what they are. He is looking for those who will only be led by His Spirit and will make decisions accordingly. Jesus is still saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (September 2012)

While red, yellow, black and white Christians are spiritually sleeping, increased satanic darkness is fast settling on America. Yes, darkness is already here, but it is fast on the increase! Greater winds of darkness are on the horizon. While this increased darkness approaches, most American Christians continue to sleep like they have been medicated. In fact, they have been medicated. They have been medicated with the lies, deceptions, and other various wiles of Satan—all leading to spiritual stupor. Therefore, they are presently totally unprepared for the times at hand.

How has this taken place? We could come up with many answers, but bottom line answers would lead us to the following two reasons: 1) Most American Christians are not being led by the Holy Spirit; 2) Most American Christians are not sanctified by the truth of God’s Word.

In good times and bad times, Christians are to be led by the Spirit and are to live by the truth of God’s Word. It just happens that we are living in times where it is urgent that we do so. If you are spiritually awake, I urge you to fast and pray-first for the Church and then for our country. (9/27/2012)

In the upcoming United States presidential election, if anyone is looking for either candidate to be a true disciple (follower) of Jesus the fruit is not there for either one. Therefore one may be wise to look at the overall platform of the political parties and ask some questions such as the following: which party comes the closest to properly honoring and rightly dividing our Constitution? Which party's platform comes the closest to honoring God, Biblical marriage and respect for life? Which party's candidate would be more apt to bring bigger government and less states rights? The questions are endless!

Regardless of the outcome the next pilot of our plane is not a true follower of Jesus so true followers of Jesus must look at other areas in making their decision as to how to vote. In the final analysis, the future of our country and our grandchildren depends on whether or not enough true Christians unite in faith and become true salt and light. (One last thought-find out who and/or what the overall evil media is advocating and vote the opposite way). (9/18/2012)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Light versus Darkness

Disciples of Jesus, as members of the Church that He is building, are to be salt and light in and to the world. The true remnant Church is in a spiritual war against forces of darkness manifesting their works through available people on earth. For example, Satan and his forces often find willing subjects to work in and through in entertainment, in politics, in the media, in education, in finance and business, and even in parts of the church. How sad! How sad that parts of the church that are to be victorious over Satan and his forces have become instruments for them.

I have said for some time that people are identifying who they are and where they stand. It is happening all around us. There is so little discernment in many parts of the church, however, that many Christians are like the blind leading the blind, rather than true salt and light. I am going to help those who want to have ears to hear and eyes to see.

Concerning the upcoming elections in the United States, true followers of Jesus will vote and cast their vote based only on godly morality and righteousness. Furthermore, they will make their decisions based on two major areas that trump all other issues. Those areas are biblical marriage and sanctity of life. Some may say, “Oh, but what about the economy?” I say do not be duped by the spirit of the world. Others might add freedom of speech or freedom of religion. The economic problems and the loss of freedoms have come about because disciples of Jesus have not been salt and light. Our societal problems are, at their roots, signs of a greater spiritual problem.

I will also say that our problems will not be over after the election regardless of who becomes president. No political party has the solutions that are ultimately needed. What is ultimately needed is a faithful Remnant Church made up of born again, Spirit-baptized disciples, just like in the book of Acts. They will have Christ Jesus formed within, be sanctified by real biblical truth, will be united in faith, and will take the true biblical gospel of the kingdom to all nations.

This faithful Remnant Church will have fulfilled 2 Chronicles 7:14 and 16:9. They will be repentant and totally loyal to the Lord! Their loyalty will have moved from following and defending Church tradition to following and obeying Jesus Christ and His Word of truth.

You might say, “I can do that.” Well, let’s see! If you are Church of Christ or Roman Catholic, can you repent of saying you are the only true church. If you are Baptist, no matter what flavor, can you repent of saying there are no more apostles and prophets and of adding to and taking away what Scripture says about the Holy Spirit and His work. If you are Pentecostal, Charismatic, etc.,
can you repent of going beyond the work of the Spirit and get rid of the wild fire. What about you, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Home Church advocates, Messianic Jews … can you get the message and wake up?

If you had a strong negative reaction to my words, then perhaps it’s time to examine yourself to see if you are holding onto a golden calf in your life. These things that I’ve addressed are keeping us from being salt and light. Many are concerned about these issues, but are we concerned enough to repent and make the needed changes? In the end it will be Power vs. power.

Either godly restoration will take place and the Church will become what Jesus wanted on this earth, or there are going to be increasing devilish storms, regardless of election results. It will be immediately worse if Christians do not become salt and light concerning the upcoming election. It is not about race or religion, the economy, etc. It is about godly morality and righteousness. If there is not real and continuous change in the Church, darkness will prevail as never before. The war will continue until Jesus returns, and persecution will increase against the real Church. But that real Spirit-led Church will be a force like you have never seen before.

Will it come in our day? It depends on how many have ears to ear, eyes to see, and the willingness to change. Godly morality and righteousness—If it doesn’t come in our day and you can look back from your future destination, you might not like what you see happening to your children and grandchildren. Let’s join together and get about our Lord’s work! Let’s be light that dispels the darkness!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Prophetic Words of Revelation (August 2012)

Lord God,

By Your Spirit and Word make the complete work of Jesus Christ a reality to us in all things.

In Jesus Name,

Thank You!

Concerning the upcoming elections in the United States, true followers of Jesus will vote and cast their vote based only on godly morality and righteousness. Furthermore, they will make their decisions based on two major areas that trump all other issues. Those areas are biblical marriage and sanctity of life. Some may say, “Oh, but what about the economy?” I say do not be duped by the spirit of the world. Others might add freedom of speech or freedom of religion. The economic problems and the loss of freedoms have come about because disciples of Jesus have not been salt and light. Our societal problems are, at their roots, signs of a greater spiritual problem.

I will also say that our problems will not be over after the election regardless of who becomes president. No political party has the solutions that are ultimately needed. What is ultimately needed is a faithful Remnant Church made up of born again, Spirit-baptized disciples, just like in the book of Acts. They will have Christ Jesus formed within, be sanctified by real biblical truth, will be united in faith, and will take the true biblical gospel of the kingdom to all nations. (For complete message see Light versus Darkness dated 8/7/2012)

God is sending true prophets (Jeremiah 7: 13, 25) to His people (Jew and Gentile), the body of Christ. Most members of the body are not presently listening to them because of the division in the Church. The various divisive parts of the Church only listen to certain ministers and certain kinds of messages because they have been deafened and blinded by man's doctrines and traditions. Our only hope is that enough will repent and have ears to hear and eyes to see. Will you be among those who do? (8/9/2012)

There are two primary reasons why Christians do not have faith to receive healing from God: 1) they have not studied the Word in such a way as to discover that it is God’s will to heal them; 2) they have not been properly taught by their church that it is God’s will to heal them.

It is the responsibility of each individual disciple to study the Word to show themselves approved [unto God] (2 Tim. 2:15). It is also the responsibility of each individual disciple to search the Scriptures to find out if their church and the ministers to whom they listen are ministering the pure truth in everything they say and/or write. (8/5/2012) (See 8/17/2012 message titled "God's Word Still Brings Healing" for entire message).

It is about Biblical marriage and Sanctity of Life and whether true Christians will unite in faith and stand together for Jesus and His Word rightly divided. (8/2/2012)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

God's Word Still Brings Healing

There are two primary reasons why Christians do not have faith to receive healing from God: 1) they have not studied the Word in such a way as to discover that it is God’s will to heal them; 2) they have not been properly taught by their church that it is God’s will to heal them.

It is the responsibility of each individual disciple to study the Word to show themselves approved [unto God] (2 Tim. 2:15). It is also the responsibility of each individual disciple to search the Scriptures to find out if their church and the ministers to whom they listen are ministering the pure truth in everything they say and/or write.

One common error found in many churches today is the teaching that the time of miracles has passed. If this is true, what is a disciple to do if they need a healing miracle? Many Christians are concerned that our government is on the path to making people dependent on government, rather than on God. Yet, many of those same Christians have been taught to rely more on the medical profession than on God and His Word. They are quick to call for the doctor but slow to
seek out elders to anoint them with oil and pray the prayer of faith. (If it be Thy will is not a prayer of faith for healing). If they were to seek out elders who would anoint them with oil and pray the prayer of faith that brings healing, they would have to go outside of their local church or denomination. Note: I believe in government and the medical profession, but neither is to come before or take the place of God.

This particular writing was sparked within me early this morning as I listened to the Spirit of the Lord. It began with thoughts about how powerful the Word is and that it is just as powerful today as it has ever been. God’s Word confirms this in Isaiah 40:8: “… but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Peter quotes this verse in 1 Peter 1:24-25 and adds: “And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you,” confirming that Isaiah is referring to the times of Christ. Unfortunately, some ministers errantly teach that certain things ended after Jesus ascended or after the days of the early church and the canonizing of the Bible. The Spirit has made it very clear that the written Word is still powerful and that it still brings healing to us today as we receive it, believe it, meditate on it, and confess it. Psalms 107:20 says that He sent His Word and healed. This, my brothers and sisters in Christ, is still true. If you have a need, will you search the Scriptures to find God’s will about that need? God’s Word says that He has already made supply for our every need and that He has already said yes to every promise found in His Word. All that is left is for us to search the Scriptures and say yes to God and His promises of love and supply.

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.”

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (July 2012)

Vote Godly Morality and Righteousness!

True followers of Jesus vote and they vote Godly morality and righteousness. These come before race and color, the economy (regardless of one’s economic views) or anything else.

Race, color, greed or anything else versus Biblical marriage and the sanctity of life is a no brainer for true followers of Jesus the Christ. (7/30/2012)

The battle was great against Jesus while He was on earth, but He defeated Satan and His works in the lives of people whereever He went. The battle is great against the Church becoming in His image and doing what He did. But if we can become restored, then the lives of people will be touched as the lives of people were touched when Jesus was here and how they were touched in the early days of the Church. Actually we will go beyond the early Church.

Although the ultimate will take place in and by the Holy Spirit of Jesus in a restored, unified remnant Church, a large part of this can be accomplished through a faithful local Church. Therefore, the devil works overtime to prevent either from taking place. In the ongoing spiritual war, he is afraid of even one church being in the image of Jesus and doing His works. He will do all he can to keep people from becoming part of such a church. If one does come forth, he will try to keep them isolated and unheard of because he can not afford to have such a church thriving on this earth.

The devil first works to keep people out of any church; he next works to keep them in a church that is not restored. He definitely does not want them becoming part of a church that is restored or becoming restored. Do you see why the battle is so strong and the pull of the people away from such a church is greater than the pull of people to the flesh, to carnality and to the world. (7/17/2012)

When the devil sends sickness he always packages the symptoms with fear, discouragement and anxiety. In each and every case Christians must look to the Lord Jesus, our Healer, and focus on His love and Words of promise while resisting the devil and his works. There is Victory in Jesus! There is perfect peace in the Lord for He is our Prince of peace! (7/16/2012)

Disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians at Antioch. Today, we need Christians who can be called disciples (Luke 9: 23; 14: 27,33) 7/1/2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Religious Correctness

The problem around the earth and more specifically in the United States is not political correctness but religious correctness. Religious correctness varies from group to group but holds the church at large in bondage and division therefore preventing her from fulfilling her command to be salt and light and minister the “Good News” of Jesus and His kingdom to all the world. We have various religious systems engaged in their own ideas, works and traditions rather than a body of Christ formed in His image working together to accomplish His will and purposes. When enough true Christians wake up, repent and forsake all to follow Jesus in the Spirit of John 17 then and only then will we be true salt and light that effects real and permanent change. To do
this the various parts of what is called Christianity must forsake their pet doctrines and traditions and become sanctified with the real truth of God and His Word.

In these few opening words, I have already stirred up opposition from many who will read this. My response to any and all who may object is not I am sorry; it is I love you but Wake Up and Repent! How absurd for you to call for America to repent and change when you will not repent and change (2 Chronicles 7:14). To compound matters there are some of you who claim to be the only true Church. You are not led by Jesus Christ to think that way; you are being led by a deceiving and lying spirit who was sent to create division and not unity. For you who reject the full work of the Holy Spirit it would be wise to study what the Word of God says about those who speak against the Holy Spirit. Yes, there are those who go beyond what is of the Spirit and the Word, but that is no justification to reject and/or speak against what is of the Spirit.

I could give many more examples of religious correctness but there are too many to address in one message. I have chosen to tackle a couple of major ones. My purpose is to call for repentance and true restoration in the body of Christ. May there be enough true Christian disciples with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to respond. The time is short!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (June 2012)

Duty without desire is legalism. Desire apart from God and His will is carnality. (6/13/2012)

The problem around the earth and more specifically in the United States is not political correctness but religious correctness. Religious correctness varies from group to group but holds the church at large in bondage and division therefore preventing her from fulfilling her command to be salt and light and minister the “Good News” of Jesus and His kingdom to all the world. We have various religious systems engaged in their own ideas, works and traditions rather than a body of Christ formed in His image working together to accomplish His will and purposes. When enough true Christians wake up, repent and forsake all to follow Jesus in the Spirit of John 17 then and only then will we be true salt and light that effects real and permanent change. To do this the various parts of what is called Christianity must forsake their pet doctrines and traditions and become sanctified with the real truth of God and His Word. (For more see message titled Religious Correctness dated 6/30/2012.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (May 2012)

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Greater is He that is drawing your loved ones to Him than he who is trying to draw them away. (5/31/2012)

Who is good? He or she is good who brings out of the good treasure of their hearts words that are true to God and His Word rightly divided (Matthew 12: 35). This is a key to knowing the real character of any and everyone. Let those with ears to hear take note nationally and locally! (5/15/2012)

If every local church in the United States prays for America to repent, America may still go down the tubes. But if every local church or even a faithful remnant of churches in the United States repents then God will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). (5/9/2012)

The Church today has a critical need for the ministry of the prophet of God. I am speaking of the “office” of the prophet and not the gift of prophecy. It is the prophet who hears from God and “points the way.” The Word of God makes it clear that the Church is to be equipped for the work of the ministry by apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers who are sent by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head and Builder of His Church. The ministry of true prophets was vital and instrumental in the beginning of the Church, and the ministry of true prophets will be instrumental and vital for the Church to complete God’s will for her before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church cannot and will not finish her course without the influence of true prophetic ministry. Every local church must have a pastor who is called by Jesus Christ. Every local church may not have a local prophet, but it is vital that every local church have the influence of a prophet who is called by the Lord Jesus Christ if it is to complete its part in the overall ministry of the Church. (5/1/2012)

Ministers and Church members keep calling for America to repent, while the Word of God calls for ministers and church members to repent and become good and true salt and light in and to America. If you really want America to repent, then let each of us, individually, repent, unite in faith, and work together to fulfill the Great Commission in the harvest field of America, which is white for harvest. (5/1/2012)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Salt That Heals and Light That Shines

It is obvious to serious followers of Jesus Christ that certain people in the public eye—newscasters, entertainers, etc.—are enemies of Jesus and His Kingdom. It is not so obvious to those followers that some people in the public eye who profess to be Christians are hurting the cause of Jesus and His Kingdom more than His enemies are. By their private and public behavior, actions, and statements, they are pulling down rather than expanding the Kingdom of God. Some of them are good, well-meaning Christians, but they are in need of proper equipping for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12). Because a church leader carries a title or a degree, it does not mean that Jesus called and sent him or her. Unless called and sent by Jesus, they will sooner or later cause more harm than good.

We have a lot of loose cannons running around representing themselves as Christians, and it should be obvious that they are hindering the Kingdom, but my main emphasis at this moment is on those who are actively involved in a church. If their church was properly equipping them, they would know how to rightly represent Jesus both in private and in public.

There are dark days ahead unless churches everywhere repent, wake up, and teach Christians how to be mature in Christ, how to follow Jesus while being salt and light. This will bring healing to many in the world around them, rather than causing wounds and then pouring salt in them.

If you are concerned, I want to assure you that there are godly answers, but 2 Chronicles 7:14 must become a reality, rather than just a memorized and oft quoted Scripture. We must have a restored Church on this earth that is made up of local churches all over the earth. We must get the message right! There will be no true and lasting restoration unless we get the message right. The message of the Church is the same as the message of Paul that is found twice in the last chapter of Acts. Study the words of Acts 28:23, 31 until they become alive within your mind and heart. Look back at the ministry of Jesus and see what gospel He

went about teaching and preaching. Matthew 4:23 is a good starting place.
Will you be salt that heals and light that awakens? Remember, you have a part in what will happen in the days ahead, but it was never intended to be causing wounds and pouring in salt. Be true to Jesus and His Word; let your light shine! Let it be a big light!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Church and the Kingdom of God

The Church is not God’s substitute, or alternative, because Israel rejected Jesus and the Kingdom of God while Jesus was on earth. Just as Jesus was slain in the heart of the Father from the foundation of the world, the Church has always been a part of God’s ultimate plan. He always intended to have a bride for Jesus Christ made up of believing Jews and Gentiles (other nations and/or peoples).

The Church, made up of believing Jews and Gentiles, has been called by Jesus to go into all the world and make disciples. The Church makes disciples by taking (or being) the witness of Jesus and His Kingdom to all nations, that they, also, may have an opportunity to become one who is circumcised inwardly as a part of God’s Israel.

Are the leaders in your church preaching Jesus and Him crucified? Are they also preaching the same thing Jesus preached—the gospel of the Kingdom? Are they preaching it correctly? Unfortunately, it is being taught in some churches today that Jesus is “a way” and the Kingdom is a political kingdom. No! A thousand times, no! Jesus is “the Way,” and the Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom. Jesus is “the door” to the Kingdom, His Kingdom where He reigns.

The Kingdom is the sphere of the rule of God. The Kingdom is both now and future. Now, right now, God is to rule in the hearts of all who have been born again by faith in Jesus. In the future, when Jesus returns, the Kingdom will be complete. Until then, all ambassadors for Christ are to do as Paul did; they are to preach and teach the Kingdom of God and the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ. Two times this is made clear in the last chapter of the book of Acts (Acts 28:23 and Acts 28:31). By the way, there is no Amen to the book of Acts!

We are in a time when there are wars and rumors of wars, as well as famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. The air waves are filled with so-called prophetic teachers declaring such things and talking about the end of the world. Interestingly, they usually skip or downplay the end of verse 6 in Matthew 24, which emphatically states that the end is not yet. They also usually skip or change the meaning of verse 14, which ends with “and then the end will come.” The end will come when we, as citizens of God’s Kingdom, join with other citizens of God’s Kingdom and witness to all nations the gospel of the Kingdom. Our witness is not in word only, but also in thought, character, lifestyle, and demonstration of the power of the Kingdom of God.

O, let the Church be the Church! Let the Church deny all to follow Christ, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and proclaim in the entire world the good news of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

Brief Definitions: (1) The Church is the redeemed of all time, those already with God and those who are in Christ on earth. (2) The Kingdom of God is the sphere of God's rule. One enters the Kingdom when they are born again; the Kingdom is presently at work in those who have fully surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom will only be fully realized after the return of Jesus Christ and the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ; He will reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15).

Prophetic Words of Restoration (March 2012)

Jesus said, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. He said, Pray for God's Kingdom to come to earth. Through Jesus we enter the Kingdom of God and are ambassadors of God and His Kingdom on earth. We can't lose because Jesus has overcome the world! We are victorious in Christ. When people learn of Jesus, His Kingdom and the benefits of following Him into the Kingdom there will be a great gathering of souls to the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33; 24:14). We must do as Paul did and tell people the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom (Acts 28:23, 31). Are you a Kingdom man, woman, boy or girl? If so, say "I am a Kingdom _____". (03/02/2012)

Let's be witnesses of Jesus and His Kingdom. Last night the Spirit of the Lord was speaking to me about how Christians in America can change America. They must first act like citizens of the Kingdom of God rather than first acting like citizens of an earthly kingdom or country. This does not mean we do not vote, etc. It means we get our priorities in line. It is all about priority! Too many Christians are first trying to change things from the perspective of being a citizen of an earthly country. We change things in our earthly country by being representatives of the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6:33 is very important; we need the Spirit of Christ to make it come alive for us. (03/07/2012)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christians Need Each Other

Christians Need Each Other

Early this morning as I was meditating before God, I heard in my spirit that Christians need each other. To accomplish God’s will on earth, we need each other. If you have a heart to advance the “good news” of Jesus and His kingdom, you must realize that we need each other. We must work together as witnesses in the harvest field, and we must work together as soldiers of the Lord to overcome the forces of Satan. If we work together, we will see great and mighty things take place to the glory of God. If we do not work together, we will see and experience devastating things all over the earth, including near to our homes.

Will we lay aside the weights that have polarized and divided believers into different camps? If we will, then there will be restoration, revival, and awakening. If we do not, there will be devastation heretofore unrealized by many Christians, especially those in the West. I had hoped that the storms of the last decade would open the eyes of many believers, but I have been greatly disappointed. O yes, there are many believers who have seen the signs of the times, as it were, but there are few who have put aside the weights (manmade doctrines, traditions of men, and other personal baggage) that have so easily beset us.

There are those who are crying out like never before about the ills of the world while they are holding on to the weights that are sinking us. Will there be a remnant that wakes up in time to save our generation from needless destruction? Are you ready to wake up, lay aside the weights, and unite in faith, or will you yell like never before about the evils in the world as your head goes under water, not because of the ills of the world, but because of the weights you are clinging to?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Prophetic Words of Restoration (February 2012)

We live in a day and time when deception is greater than at any other time in the history of mankind while simultaneously there is less true discernment than there has ever been within many, if not most, parts of the Church (red, yellow, black or white).(2/11/2012)

Christians Need Each Other

Early this morning as I was meditating before God, I heard in my spirit that Christians need each other. To accomplish God’s will on earth, we need each other. If you have a heart to advance the “good news” of Jesus and His kingdom, you must realize that we need each other. We must work together as witnesses in the harvest field, and we must work together as soldiers of the Lord to overcome the forces of Satan. If we work together, we will see great and mighty things take place to the glory of God. If we do not work together, we will see and experience devastating things all over the earth, including near to our homes.

Will we lay aside the weights that have polarized and divided believers into different camps? If we will, then there will be restoration, revival, and awakening. If we do not, there will be devastation heretofore unrealized by many Christians, especially those in the West. I had hoped that the storms of the last decade would open the eyes of many believers, but I have been greatly disappointed. O yes, there are many believers who have seen the signs of the times, as it were, but there are few who have put aside the weights (man-made doctrines, traditions of men, and other personal baggage) that have so easily beset us.

There are those who are crying out like never before about the ills of the world while they are holding on to the weights that are sinking us. Will there be a remnant that wakes up in time to save our generation from needless destruction? Are you ready to wake up, lay aside the weights, and unite in faith, or will you yell like never before about the evils in the world as your head goes under water, not because of the ills of the world, but because of the weights you are clinging to? (2/15/2012)