Sunday, February 6, 2011

To the Church in America

The word below is a warning and a call to repentance to the Church in America. God knows, and I know, that there are true ministers and true disciples in America. God knows, and I know, that there are many carnal and/or false ministers and church members in America. God knows, and I know, that if there is not true repentance, severe judgment is ahead.

To the Straying Church
You have wandered far from God and His word of truth! You are weak, anemic, and blind to your condition. You are heading down paths of your own making, and destruction is ahead, destruction for you and for the country that so needs true salt and light. You are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, spread by carnal and satanically placed ministers. You have forsaken Jesus Christ, His Spirit, and His truth to follow another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel.

Rather than denying self, you are the epitome of selfishness. Rather than taking up your cross, you are looking for the easy way. Rather than forsaking all, you are grabbing all that you can get. Rather than following Jesus you are following the flesh. Rather than living by truth you are chasing winds of doctrine. Rather than uniting in faith as one body with one Lord you are polarized by your divisiveness. Rather than being sanctified by truth, you have divided into groups that follow their own teachings and traditions. Rather than being salt and light, it is hard to distinguish you from the world around you. Rather than being a mighty army that pulls down strongholds, an army against which no weapon prospers, you are powerless against the demonic forces that have been leashed against you and your country. Rather than listening to the true prophets that God has sent to call you to repentance, you have rejected and ignored them and have followed immature, carnal, or even satanically inspired ministers. Rather than having true restoration, revival, and awakening, you birth and publicize counterfeit moves over and over again. Rather than producing strong and mature disciples of Jesus Christ, you take those who experience a true birth in Christ and make them into your own image. You even take in members who don’t even know Jesus Christ.

To Those with Ears to Hear
If you are being convicted by the Spirit of God and will humble yourself, repent, turn from your wicked ways, and call out to God, He will hear you. You must surrender fully to God and sanctify yourself with the washing of water by the Word. He will restore you and will draw you close to Himself. If you will follow His Spirit, He will join you with faithful disciples. He will lead you to true and mature ministers who will equip you for the work of the ministry. I repeat: you must surrender fully to God and sanctify yourself with the washing of water by the Word.

To True God-Called Ministers
Some of you have been stymied by those who trained you and/or by the type of church that you have been a part of. God is calling you to free yourself from anything and everything that has encumbered you. It will not be easy, but the results will glorify God. Become sanctified by truth and minister all of the truth. It will bring persecution from within and from without the Church. Some of you will be driven out by their church, but God will care for you and your family. Others are trying to be loyal to God and His Word and are experiencing rejection and tremendous warfare. Stay true to God and His word until the end. Never compare yourself with others or their outward results. Your rewards will be at the judgment seat of Christ. Keep your focus! Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord.

To True Disciples
There are some of you who have been following man-made ministers and teachings. You have been taught truth mixed with error. You are bound by tradition even in the type of local church you belong to or look for. You will spend eternity with God, but will never finish the earthly course He has ordained for you unless you repent and have your senses trained to maturity. Give yourself to prayer and to being sanctified by truth. Yield yourself totally to the Spirit of God. Cry out for true and mature ministers who will equip you. God will hear your cries and will answer. Be persistent! Be open to change that is of God.

To the Faithful Remnant in America
We have missed many God-given opportunities and are now paying the price, but there is hope. Jesus Christ is our hope. We must realize, however, that He has ordained that He works in and through His body. He must have enough faithful disciples who are united in faith to be and do what is required of us. Before the Lord returns, there will be a faithful remnant. The battle is now greater than ever before, mainly due to our shortcomings of the past, but we can still turn the tide. If we will repent, become restored, and unite in faith, the Lord will hear from heaven and will work a work for and through us. Will He find you as part of that faithful remnant when He returns?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Restoration Begins With Faithful Disciples

“[Restoration] is a need that must first be addressed by faithful individuals
before it will spread to the corporate body.”

As a Christian, are you aware that the Church needs to be restored? If so, realize that restoration of the Church begins with faithful disciples. Restoration is a need that must first be addressed by faithful individuals before it will spread to the corporate body. Are you willing to be one of those faithful disciples?

I have been ministering the need for restoration of the Church for many years. I must clarify that restoration is not a movement; it is a need. It is a need that must have personal application as well as corporate application. It is a need that must first be addressed by faithful individuals before it will spread to the corporate body. Each individual who professes to be a Christian and will heed the call for restoration must first search their own heart and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas that are not in line with Jesus Christ and His Word. They must then yield to the Spirit to purify their hearts and to make them holy as God is holy in all their conduct. They are then ready to be witnesses to the Church and the world.

To begin with, there must be those who forsake all to follow the Lord and get in the gap and make intercession for the Church and for the lost. Don’t look for some great move; look to the Spirit of God and yield to Him. If you are looking for some great move, you are apt to fall for another misfire. It amazes me that leaders—supposed leaders—continue to misfire. They became famous by some past misfire, and then, years later, they make the headlines again and again with what is to be another misfire. Quit following these misfiring prophets and leaders. Yield to the Holy Spirit and find personal restoration; you will then be able to discern God’s true prophets and leaders from the misfires.

There is a price to pay if you want to experience personal restoration, but there will be great rewards at the judgment seat of Christ if you do. To be a follower of Christ, one must pull away from the world and from the pack of modern Christianity. There will be personal suffering and persecution for those who do. The persecution will come from the world and from those who continue to follow and defend modern and post-modern Christianity. Those who decide to pull away must give themselves to the Spirit of Christ. They must be born again, and they must have the power of God at work in their lives. They will love to study all of God’s Word, and they will pray with the spirit and with learned languages. When one is really filled with the Spirit of God, all of the silly and foolish debating over praying in tongues will vanish from their life. They will yield their tongue to the Spirit of God, and from their own spirit, they will make cries of supplication and intercession.

Those who study the Word through on a regular basis under the guidance of the Holy Spirit will become uncomfortable with being part of the world and with following the pack of modern Christianity. They will draw near to God and will be in the unity of faith with like-minded disciples. You will not be able to keep them from assembling together. The adverse is true for those who follow the world and/or modern Christianity; they are not given to prayer, and they do not study the whole Word under the direction of the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. They do not wash in the water of the Word.

Faithful disciples have an overcoming attitude; they are determined and will exemplify Christ and follow Him in spite of opposition and difficulty. They are noted for endurance and perseverance. They know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is looking throughout the earth to find such disciples who will be faithful to the Lord and His Word. Through them, He will bring restoration, revival, and awakening. The Church will be shaken by their faithful witness, and the lost will see true witnesses of salt and light. You can become one who is found to be faithful. Will you humble yourself and repent? Will you grow up and accept your responsibility to take up your cross and follow Jesus? Will you quit flirting with the world and playing the game of modern Churchianity? Break free from the entertainment mentality, whether it is found on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. The world and the modern Church have sung you into a stupor and a daze. Wake up! Look for your cross and follow Jesus as a faithful disciple!

Note: Modern Christianity is following man and his teachings rather than Jesus Christ and His pure Word of truth. It is focused on selfishness rather than forsaking all to follow Christ. It has removed the cross or given it a lower place, and its aim is to keep people happy-happy, rather than maturing them in Christ. It knows little of the rule of Christ and it knows much of man’s ideas, opinions, persuasions and preferences. It has adapted the world’s ways under the guise and pretense of winning the world. It has mixture rather than purity.

Study: 2 Chronicles 16:9; Luke 18:8; 2 Timothy 4:7; Philippians 3:7-11; Hebrews 10:36; and Ephesians 6:18.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prophetic Words of Restoration (February 2011)

Setting Your Mind: Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth (Colossians 3:2). And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).

Contrary to a popular saying, disciples of Jesus Christ must be heavenly minded to be of earthly good. Unless one sets their mind on things above they are of very little use in the kingdom of God. Now, one can be so focused on things like setting dates for the rapture that they are distracted and distract others, but the truth is we are citizens of the kingdom of light and therefore, are to be salt and light on earth. To be salt and light on the earth we must be yielded to the Holy Spirit and have our minds set on things above. In other words, we must be heavenly minded and not earthly minded. (2/23/2011)

The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The work of the Lord can only be done by depending on the Holy Spirit and His gifts working in and through us. Much of what is presently taking place in various parts of the Church is being accomplished by human might and power which brings glory and recognition to man and not to God. Let's yield to the Holy Spirit and let Him form the life of Christ within us and work the power of God through us. (2/23/2011)

Spiritual Warfare: If enough Christians really dedicated themselves to Jesus Christ, united in faith and made intercession we could stand against the spiritual powers that are behind such things as the murderous pirates from Somolia and the drug cartels.

Spiritual warfare is real; behind all wars on earth are principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:10-18). Our battle is not with human beings (flesh and blood) and our weapons are not material (man-made. We release the authority and power of God through our words which are spoken in prayers and declarations. (2/22/2011)

Spiritual Gifts and the Power of God: O God, may we have ears to hear! May we be set free from those teachings that say things stopped in the past (when Bible was completed, etc.). We must mature and have out senses exercised to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).

The existance of "wild fire" is no justification for doing away with the fire of the Holy Spirit. We don't do away with God because there is a devil, and we don't do away with the works of God because there are works of the devil. We need the power of God to defeat the devil and his works. We are in a spiritual war! Where are the disciples with ears to hear? Where are the soldiers of the Lord Jesus who are not entangled with the affairs of life? Desire spiritual gifts! (2/21/2011)

Prophetic Vision of Jesus Christ and His Church: Christians need a prophetic vision of Jesus Christ and His Church! What you don’t know can hurt you! God says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge …” Most Christians do not have full or proper understanding of what the Lord wants of His Church. In fact, many Christians are more interested in and know more about Israel and Jerusalem than the Lord Jesus and His bride, the Church. It is difficult, therefore, for them to understand and become what Jesus Christ wants His body—His bride, the Church—to be on earth.

Note: the bride is made up of both Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus Christ! This is not to say God doesn't have plans, special plans, for Israel and Jerusalem; it is to say He is building His Church made up of believing Jews and Gentiles and we need to mature, unite in faith, and do the works He did while on earth. (2/19/2011)

Cleansing the Ministry: Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each offered profane fire (strange or unauthorized) before the Lord, which He had not commanded them (Lev. 10:1). It came to me while reading this Scripture earlier today that God is going to judge those ministers who offer profane messages that He has not commanded them. He is also going to judge political, governmental, judicial, and business leaders, etc., who are offering the profane. God is merciful and longsuffering; He is giving time to repent, but take heed. Let's pray for humility, repentance and purity! (2/15/2011)

What is Restoration? A simple definition of restoration is the bringing back of the Church to Jesus Christ and the original biblical pattern intended by Him for the Church that He is building. Note: Biblical pattern is the pattern found in the Bible as the Word of God is rightly divided. (2/14/2011)

Jesus willingly healed all who came to Him. When Jesus is fully formed within the Church, will all the sick that come for prayer be healed? (Matt. 8:3,17; Gal. 4:19; John 14:12-14) (2/12/2011)

Things are speeding up in Egypt! It is time to bind and loose! Thy kingdom come! Isaiah 19:21 (2/11/2011)

For those who study the Bible: While the children of Israel were in the wilderness what served as the tent of meeting before the tabernacle was completed? (2/11/2011)

The question is still , "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" (Acts 19:2) The disciples in Acts 19 had not yet learned that there was a fuller experience with the Holy Spirit available to them. A greater problem exist today because many Christians have been taught incorrect things about the Holy Spirit.

It is incumbent upon each Christian to search the Scriptures. If they honestly do so, they will find that the Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus and we are born again; Jesus baptizes in the Spirit and we are filled to overflowing. (2/11/2011)

For those who will become focused by removing distractions and listening and watching closely God is causing people, good and bad, to declare and reveal who they are and where they stand. This applies to everyone from preachers to politicians.

Things are moving rapidly in Egypt, things that will effect the whole earth. True disciples are needed to pray. Right now, it can go either way-God's way or the devil's way. Let's unite and pull down strongholds! Thy kingdom come! (2/10/2011)

True freedom is at stake! Those who have worked and those who are working to remove religion, specifically Christianity, from influencing society, specifically government, have and are opening the doors for forces, including religious forces, to dominate all aspects of American life and life in all nations. For more, read To the Church in America.

The Church as a whole is in need of restoration. I believe that the Holy Spirit who was greatly involved in birthing the Church is now working to bring restoration to the Church, at least to a faithful remnant. (2/1/2011)