Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Return to the Gospel

My heart is grieved over the realization that much of the Church has forsaken the Biblical Gospel. This is not a recent happening; it is a long standing problem! My heart is further grieved that most Christians don’t acknowledge or recognize the problem and continue on their familiar paths. At times my heart has rejoiced when I witnessed what seemed to be someone having their eyes opened, only later to see them being drawn away. What drew them away may have been different than earlier in their life, but the results were the same. And all the while, world systems continue their devilish plunge into the abyss drawing multitudes of people with them.

Is there anyone who understands? Is there anyone who wants to run this race? Who will count the cost and pay the price? The Church is to be salt and light to the world, but all too often that light has been hard to see. To shine brightly the Church must be restored. For the most part, what we have now is a wounded and broken Church. It is hard for the wounded and broken to fight the war.

Anyone who wants to help restore the Church must understand that the forsaking of the gospel is not a new phenomenon; as stated above it is a long standing problem. You must be ready for an intense uphill battle! As you work to bring forth a Church that will be mature salt and light to the world, not only must you deal with the world’s resistance you must deal with resistance from many parts of the Church. You will come to understand the real meaning of perseverance and endurance. They are necessary requirements as is the continual denying of self.

O,the power of the Biblical Gospel! Will you help restore that gospel to the Church and then help the Church share that gospel with the world?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Pray With the Spirit and With the Understanding

When one is born again, he or she has the privilege to pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father with any language they have learned with their mind (intellect). When Jesus baptizes one in the Holy Spirit, he or she has the privilege to pray in the Spirit with a language or languages not learned by the intellect. Those languages may include known earthly languages, but also heavenly languages not known on earth. Paul said that the conclusion is to pray with your spirit and with your intellect. If anointed, both can be considered as praying in the Spirit.

This and many other things are easy to understand when one studies under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The problem is that Christians often listen first to private interpretations espoused by many seminaries, churches, relatives, etc. They then read those interpretations into Scripture rather than studying Scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to read truth into their minds and hearts. Once on this path, it can last a lifetime. They are sanctified by man’s traditions and interpretations rather than by truth. Whenever and wherever this is predominant, there is always division with its accompanying problems. It will never be corrected by earthly principles, such as agreeing to disagree, etc. Things like that often sound good but always bring people to the lowest common denominator. It ends up trampling not only on truth but on real agape love.

This problem is compounded because there is usually truth mixed with error; we must learn that a little leaven leavens the whole lump. This is the prime reason that most of the Church is divided rather than united in faith. Because of this division, we are, at the moment, not doing a great job at being salt and light to the world. There are some successes, but we are far from reaching the maturity and potential that our Lord Jesus Christ desires and envisions for the Church that He is building and praying for.

The Church (Christians) must humble herself and repent. But Christians often place the blame and the need for repentance on others. For example, how often do you hear Christians saying that America needs to repent? It is the Church in America and throughout other nations that must repent! The Spirit of God is continually calling for repentance, holiness, unity, and maturity of Christians, and at some point in the future, there will be a faithful remnant Church that heeds His call! May it be sooner rather than later because there will be a cost to pay for delay. Actually, to the discerning eye, we are already paying a heavy cost. Pray with the spirit and pray with the understanding that Restoration, Revival, and Great Awakening will come forth to the Church and come forth speedily!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christians and Pearl Harbor

It will be easy to misunderstand and/or be offended by this but the greatest hindrance to spiritual maturity and unity in the Church is the Church herself. One absolutely necessary solution will be that each Christian determines to know Jesus intimately and His Word thoroughly and makes good on that determination.

On this Pearl Harbor Day, most Christians either do not comprehend, or do not comprehend with urgency, the severity of things taking place, not only in the world but in many parts of the Church. Why? The two main culprits are carnal distractions and lack of spiritual maturity. Distractions keep people occupied, and the lack of spiritual maturity keeps them bound to private interpretations and traditions of men that are found in most parts of the Church. It would be very beneficial to intently study the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13 and Luke 8) and the basic doctrines of the Word found in Hebrews 5:12-6:2.

God is sending His prophets to call the Church to wake up, but few are listening because they are distracted and/or will not recognize the God-sent prophets as being prophets of God. Their distractions are not only with things of the world but with spiritual things. They either don’t believe in prophets or have been trained not to listen to voices beyond their spiritual group or heritage. Unless the Church (true disciples) wakes up, coming events for us, or our children and grandchildren, will make Pearl Harbor pale in comparison.

We need real and lasting revival. Revival will begin when true disciples yield to the Lordship of Jesus Christ! How many disciples understand the urgent need for a faithful remnant Church to be restored to Jesus Christ and His rightly-divided Word of truth? This would automatically bring about a unified Church (John 17) who would be true salt and light on this earth. United we stand; divided we can't keep from falling. Let’s wake up, repent, unite and having done all stand for Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Words of Restoration (December 2010)

When one is born again, he or she has the privilege to pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father with any language they have learned with their mind (intellect). When Jesus baptizes one in the Holy Spirit, he or she has the privilege to pray in the Spirit with a language or languages not learned by the intellect. Those languages may include known earthly languages, but also heavenly languages not known on earth. Paul said that the conclusion is to pray with your spirit and with your intellect. If anointed, both can be considered as praying in the Spirit.

Renew your mind with the mindset of living to please and bring joy to the Lord Jesus daily rather than seeking ways to enjoy the day. In seeking to please and bring joy to Him, His joy becomes your strength even in the midst of trials and tribulations. With His strength you are always an overcomer! (12/11/2010)

On this Pearl Harbor Day, most Christians either do not comprehend or comprehend with urgency the severity of things taking place not only in the world but in many parts of the Church. Why? Two main culprits are carnal distractions and lack of spiritual maturity. Distractions keep them occupied and the lack of spiritual maturity keeps them bound to private interpretations and traditions of men found in most parts of the Church. It would be very beneficial to intently study the Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13 and Luke 8) and the basic doctrines of the Word found in Hebrews 5:12-6:2.

God is sending His prophets to call the Church to wake up, but few are listening because they are distracted and/or will not recognize the prophets as being prophets of God. Their distractions are not only with things of the world but with spiritual things. They either don’t believe in prophets or have been trained to not listen to voices beyond their spiritual group or heritage. Unless the Church (true disciples)wakes up coming events for us or our children and grandchildren will make Pearl Harbor pale in comparison.(12/7/2010)

Revival will begin when true disciples yield to the Lordship of Jesus Christ! (12/06/2010)

How many disciples understand the urgent need for a faithful remnant Church to be restored to Jesus Christ and His rightly divided Word of truth? This would automatically bring about a unified Church (John 17) who would be true salt and light on this earth. United we stand; divided we can't keep from falling. (12/04/2010)

What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. (1 Cor. 14:15). Have you ever really noticed that the Holy Spirit had Paul to list praying and singing with the spirit before praying and singing with the understanding? (12/2/2010)