Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Quest

I am sitting at my computer putting in my words something that I experienced this morning, as well as seeking God for wisdom as to how to proceed. Before getting out of bed, I spent at least an hour praying in the Spirit. I experienced an intense hunger for God and a deep desire to know His presence and to do His will. I had a fresh realization that doing God’s will is why we are here on earth. I saw the desperate need for disciples to unite and live only to do God’s will, just as Jesus did while He was on earth. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” loomed large in my heart, soul, and body. My hands rose to God more than once. My heart and soul seemed to be flooded with the desire to know and to do God’s will, both individually and corporately with the body of Christ. I need God, but I also need His body, the Church. My experience and hunger brought me to tears!

Some of the things we need to overcome flashed through my heart and mind. I saw examples of things that often consume us. Good people are carrying out needed responsibilities. Yet, I knew that something is lacking; there is something more to realize in our walk with the Lord. Deep inside, I had the assurance that if I, if we, will seek God, He will show us the way. He will show us the necessary adjustments to make, and He will direct our steps. We need His directions, so that we can get on the correct course; we need, in all things, to be continuously led by the Holy Spirit.

How do we proceed? Whether in heaven or while on earth, Jesus has always carried out the will of His Heavenly Father. It is our Heavenly Father’s will and desire that all who choose to follow Christ live to do His will, just as Jesus does. Each of us would be wise to address this issue and ask ourselves how this will become reality in our life. The Holy Spirit wants to take full control! Quiet yourself within, listen closely; He is waiting in the wings. O, let’s do it, brothers and sisters! Let there be glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men and women of good will. Come, Holy Spirit! I surrender all! Take control!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Overcoming Confusion over Israel and the Church

Many Christians are at odds with each other over Israel and the Church. One group speaks so much about Israel being God’s covenant people that they misunderstand Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments about God’s New Covenant. Another group is so focused on the Church and their private interpretations of Scripture and the New Covenant that they speak about the Church replacing Israel. Both groups misunderstand Scriptures, such as 1 Peter 2:9 about God’s own special people. Both groups misunderstand God’s intent in the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. It should not be but it is a mystery that they do not yet fully understand.

Both groups would benefit by setting aside man’s doctrines, traditions and private interpretations of Scripture and yielding to the Holy Spirit to teach them the Word of God. A study of the book of Ephesians would be helpful to all Christians. The Holy Spirit gave Paul more revelation about Jesus Christ and His body. Paul, in turn, expressed this revelation in the book of Ephesians. It is important to know that God did not reveal everything at one time. He called Paul and then began to progressively reveal His Word to him by the Holy Spirit. Another important point to note is that Paul wrote the book of Ephesians after he wrote the book of Romans. Nothing in Ephesians contradicts anything in Romans, but Ephesians sheds light that helps to understand the book of Romans, especially chapters 9 through 11.

Ephesians is especially helpful in understanding what the book of Romans, or any other part of the Bible, has to say about Israel and the Church. Understanding the mystery that was revealed in chapter three of Ephesians would, or might I say should, clear up a lot of misconceptions by the groups referred to in the opening paragraph above. It was always in the heart of God that His people would be made up of all nations, both Jews and Gentiles.

Concerning replacement, God has replaced the Old Covenant with the New Covenant, but He has not replaced anyone with someone else. He has not replaced Israel with the Church. He has opened the door for all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues to be His own special people. God’s New Covenant is inclusive, not exclusive. The only condition is that people receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. God’s purpose is and will continue to be bringing people into the body of Christ; this includes Jews and Gentiles. Will He still do certain things found in the Old Testament? Yes. He will continue to do what has always been in His heart, whether it was revealed in the Old Testament or the New Testament.

The prayer of Jesus in John 17 must be fulfilled in the people of God, regardless of the origin of their birth or their nationality. It cannot be fulfilled until we are sanctified by truth (John 17:17). As long as Christians hold to their beloved opinions, interpretations, and traditions, we will remain divided, and we will suffer the consequences. We will suffer the consequences of hindering people from coming to the Lord because of our division, and we will suffer defeats because we are divided and not united. May the Spirit of God find Christians all over this earth who are willing to yield to Him and to His teaching. Jesus stated in John 14:26 that the Father was sending the Holy Spirit to teach us all things. Students sit in academic classes every day and do not fully receive what their teachers present. Many Christians talk about the Holy Spirit but are not letting Him teach them all things. In both cases, the minds of people have been closed to certain things. This ought not to be. Christians are to “grow up in all things unto Him who is the head—Christ.” This cannot happen without the teaching of the Holy Spirit. We must remain open to His teaching and direction and grow to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, no longer children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine.

It is time to start re-examining many of our doctrines and strongly held beliefs to make sure they line up with the Word of God rightly divided. Where are those with ears to hear and eyes to see? Where are those with hearts and minds that are free from private interpretations and traditions of men? Before the return of our Lord Jesus there will be a Church made up of believing Jews and Gentiles who fulfill the Lord’s desire as expressed in Scriptures such as John 17:21 and Eph. 4:13. May you not only be a part of our Lord’s body, but be instrumental in the growing, maturing and uniting of His body! He who has ears to hear let him or her hear!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Words of Restoration (October 2010)

It is important to vote and to vote righteousness, but also remember no political party is the kingdom of God. The only solution to darkness is light and light is to come forth from true disciples that are united in faith following Jesus the Messiah and seeking first His kingdom and righteousness. (10/30/2010)

What is it going to take for Christians in America to repent (2 Chr. 7:14), become sanctified by truth (John 17:17), and have true unity in the faith (Eph. 4:13)? Will enough, a faithful remnant, do so willingly, or is it going to take really hard times (Ps. 119:67) for the Church to wake up? You have not seen anything yet! The “anything” can be restoration, revival, and awakening, or it can be devastation. The choice is godly restoration or devilish storms. If we choose godly restoration, if we repent and unify ourselves, there will still be persecution, but we will have an anointing that releases our Lord's authority and power in a measure not known since the early Church. (Updated 10/22/2010)

What did God do that caused Adam to become a living being? What did Jesus do that caused the spirits of the disciples to be born again? There is a connection between these two questions. (10/22/2010)

Father, Your Word teaches us that if in faith we agree on your will (Word) it will be done for us. There is a stomach virus attacking babies, children and adults presently. I ask you to heal and protect your family. I ask according to Your Word which says that by the stripes of Jesus we were healed. Thank You for hearing me. In Jesus name, Amen (10/17/2010)

While praying this morning I expressed to the Lord Jesus that He is the meaning to (of) my life. After saying this I heard in my spirit and mind that there are different groups of people. There are those who are totally apart from Jesus; there are those who are born again and Jesus is part of their life, and there are those for whom Jesus is their life. (10/09/2010)

How Bright is Your Light? In a recent test on religions, Christians were at or near the bottom of the list not only on knowledge of other religions, but also on knowledge of Christianity. Too many Christians are not studying the Bible!

Instead of studying God’s Word and being light to the world, Christians are being influenced by the world. They often know more of how the world presents God through movies (Bruce Almighty), TV programs (Glee) and books (The Shack) than how the Bible reveals Him. No wonder Christians did poorly on the recent test. Let's repent, pray study the Word, and get in the harvest fields and change things! (10/7/2010)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Reviving the Dehydrated Church

(Updated from Truth for Today 12/24/2007)
“The present-day Church is dehydrated spiritually …suffering from all of the effects of dehydration: toxins in the body, confusion, and memory loss …”

It is evident throughout the Word of God that there are times when God judges His people through drought and famine. A close study of Amos 8:11-12 reveals another type of famine even more severe. There is a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.

Amos 8
11 “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord GOD, “That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD.
12 They shall wander from sea to sea, And from north to east; They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the LORD, But shall not find it …”

The warning in Amos 8 not only became a reality for the people of the old covenant but has taken place at various times among Christians since the birth of the Church. It is probably more severe in the 21st Century than at any time in history.

The present day Church, as a whole, is in a severe spiritual famine; she suffers from an absence of pure biblical truth, and she most assuredly suffers from an absence of true prophets with true prophetic words from the Lord. The majority of Christians, especially those in the West, are not yet even aware of the problem, especially the seriousness of the problem. Many are comfortable with things as they are. They are much aware of worldwide problems but have not connected them with a famine of the words of the Lord. They need and want change economically, etc., but, spiritually, they are so geared toward and accustomed to things as they are that they neither see the need for change nor do they want things to change. Much of the Church, while engaging in various end-time prophecy teachings, either deny the existence of present day prophets of God or they are being overwhelmed with carnal and/or false prophets.

Results of Spiritual Famine
What are the results of this spiritual famine of the Word, especially the prophetic word? The primary result is that many Christians are spiritually dehydrated and are being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. This problem is nowhere more evident than in the Western Church, and more specifically, in the Church in the United States. Too many Christians are dehydrated spiritually because of a lack of the water of the Word. They are suffering from all the effects of spiritual dehydration: toxins in the body, confusion in the mind, loss of memory of God and His Word of truth.

They cannot focus properly on God and others because their spiritual dehydration causes them to be focused on self—their needs, their desires, their plans, their interpretations and traditions, for the most part. If they reach out, it is often motivated more by ritualistic obedience and/or self-satisfaction, with the accompanying warm feelings and personal fulfillment that they receive, than by a true godly fulfillment of our Lord’s command to go into all the world as a witness.

What is the solution? Those suffering from spiritual dehydration need to wake up and become spiritually re-hydrated and then remain hydrated! How does spiritual hydration take place? It begins with true and prepared prophets crying out for repentance. The Jewish people were very familiar with 2 Chronicles 7:14, but God still sent John the Baptist to cry out, “Repent.” Jesus Himself began His public ministry by preaching repentance. He made the Word of God clear, precise, and specific. He will again try to awaken His people by sending His ministers in the midst of famine to point out the need for repentance.

After Christians hear the call and acknowledge their personal need for repentance, they often find that one of the major problems to overcome is a lack of knowing God intimately and His Word thoroughly. This has caused spiritually blindness in various degrees and has resulted in a lack of true spiritual discernment. Without discernment, they were subject to deception and falling for the wiles of the devil. For example, many Christians, including pastors, have in the recent past named a book titled The Shack as one of their favorite books. One pastor listed three books as his favorites, with the Bible and The Shack being two of them. He needs his eyes opened about certain things in the Bible because they would expose the lies and deceptions of The Shack. In his defense, I will say that most of us were really not trained that well in the 20th Century Church. He, along with many others, may need to hear a prophetic word from another minister besides the ones he has been listening to for his eyes to become fully opened. Note: Some ministers are being what they call “successful” and see no need for change.

If God has opened your eyes about certain things that were in error, thank Him for His mercy. It is alright to judge and/or discern that others need help, but do so in love and a spirit of restoration and not out of a critical, judgmental spirit or attitude. Be loving and merciful toward them as you move to open their eyes. Let the love of God be shed abroad in your heart! Pray for them, always remembering that we are not casting stones but are trying to awaken our brothers and sisters in Christ. We need each other!

What else is needed? For those with ears to hear, there must be a willingness to do some really serious soul searching leading to the acknowledgment that there is need of repentance; make 2 Chronicles 7:14 a reality. Those who are spiritually dehydrated may also need to put away some private interpretations of Scripture and traditions of men. To do so will require being sanctified by truth by being continually washed in the water of the Word.

In conclusion, God has prepared true prophets in the wilderness to bring restoration and revival to His Church. They will cry out for repentance and a return to the Lord and His truth. When those with ears to hear humble themselves, repent, and cry out to God with a heart that is serious and determined to walk in the Spirit, the Lord will hear from Heaven and will rain His Spirit and truth upon them.

Will all of the Church respond? No. There are many in the Church who will not respond. They have either fallen so far away from God and His truth that they are not willing to repent or even acknowledge the need to do so, or they are so captivated by man-made doctrines and traditions that they will hang on tightly to them. But there are many who will repent. Some of them will respond to truth when they hear it. Others will have to go through some shaking before they will really hear and respond, but they will eventually respond, thanks be to God.

Restoration and revival can begin with a few willing and dedicated disciples. What better time is there for forsaking all to follow Christ? Will you humble yourself and give your all to Jesus the Messiah? Will you yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to open the truth of God’s Word to you? Will you begin washing yourself in the water of God’s Word? As the Spirit opens God’s Word to you, will you in turn teach that Word to all who have ears to hear? God bless you as you do. Let’s do what will prepare us and many others for the future appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s replace famine with truth and see real and lasting “Restoration, Revival, and Awakening!”

Study this week: Jer. 5:20-25; Matt.13:13-16; Mark 4:10-12; Col.1:24-27; Isa.55:6-7.