There are innumerable problems confronting the peoples of the earth, but God is not shaken about any of them. He is the Lord God of heaven, earth, the seas, and all that is therein. He has all power and authority! All He has to do is speak and mountains are removed, the winds stop, the gentle rains come forth. But there is one problem that hinders God’s plans for earth. Some would be quick to say, “Yes, the devil; the devil is the problem.” No, the devil is not a problem for God. The problem for God in accomplishing His will and purposes on earth is finding enough people who will obey and carry out His will and purposes.
Adam and Eve chose to listen to and obey the serpent rather than God. Mankind still makes that choice daily, and Christians are not exempt from the problem. I don’t want to offend anyone but I wouldn’t be far from the truth if I said “Christians are the problem.” For example, I can appreciate the emphasis by many American Christians in calling for America to repent and return to God. It would be great if that happened, and I would be so thrilled. But the truth is that first things must be first, and before America returns to God, the Church must repent. A certain number of righteous people were required to spare God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. In like manner, a certain number of disciples are required to turn things around in America. There are also some conditions that go with this truth. Two of the main conditions are that those disciples must be mature in Christ and united in faith. Presently, there are few that meet either of these criteria.
One description of the Church in America, or in most places of the earth for that matter, would be that the Church is Christians who come together in specific or particular groups according to their mental beliefs about God and His Word. Now some would argue and say I should say spiritual beliefs, but mental beliefs make the point. These various groups may be outwardly pleasant to other groups of Christians and even call them brothers and sisters, but deep down there is no real degree of unity of faith. There is definitely no maturity in unity of faith. The bottom line reason is that they are not mature in Christ and the understanding of His Word.
This is a long-time problem. Yes, I repeat, it is a problem. It is the problem that is preventing God from having enough people on earth who will obey and carry out His will and purposes. If you have read this message, I encourage you, first of all, to make sure that you have totally surrendered your life (self) to God. Determine to live a continually humble life before God and man. Repent of anything that stands between you and God and you and others. Seek God and His word of truth. Make sure that you are born of the Spirit and have also been baptized in the Spirit.
If you are interested in knowing more about the restoration of the Church, please study the things we offer on the Internet. We have both written messages and audio messages. I would be glad, also, to have you call. The time is short, but we have time. Let’s redeem that time and work together to bring forth a people who are totally restored to God and His word of truth, a people who are going on to maturity in Christ and unity in faith.
The Lord Jesus bless you!
I love you in Christ,
Wayne Wilson
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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