Throughout the earth, Christians are going to suffer needlessly because of their refusal to humble themselves, repent, become sanctified by truth, and unite in true faith. It will not matter whether their refusal is because of ignorance or stubbornness and pride. This needless suffering will happen in the universal Church, in local churches, and for individual Christians.
Is there time left to turn it around, and is there still hope that it can be turned around? Yes, God can still have places like Goshen, but the time is short! Individual Christians, local churches, and the universal Church must act quickly. Christians in local areas can become a protected people, not protected from persecution, but from needless suffering. They must examine themselves, make the necessary changes, and do so quickly. Christians must humble themselves, repent, become sanctified by truth, and unite in faith.
Christians must find and give heed to God’s true and mature prophets. Those who reject God's prophets and those who don’t believe there are still prophets sent by God are going to suffer the consequences in this life. They will give an account to Jesus Christ, not only for themselves, but also for those whom they led astray while on earth. There are, as there have always been, false prophets, but there are true and mature God-called and sent prophets. Find them, listen, and take action.
For those who will heed the warning, the result will be mature Christians who will stand together for and in Christ in local geographical areas throughout the earth. (I cannot over emphasize the need for Christians in local areas to unite in faith; there must be bastions for God all over this earth). Christians who heed and act will still face persecution but will triumph in Christ even unto death. They will fulfill Matthew 16:18; they will build and fight. They will be witnesses and soldiers of Jesus Christ and His kingdom even unto death. I again encourage you to listen intently and take notes from the message titled “Prayer Warfare.”
You have not seen anything yet! Will you help build a Church as pictured in Ephesians, or will you blindly go about doing the usual and step right into the middle of needless suffering? Will you take up the whole armor of God, join with other soldiers, and fight the good fight, or will you be devoured and defeated? Christians are being deceived by both good and bad things. Where are those who are wide awake and have their senses trained to discern?