Friday, January 2, 2009

Defining Restoration, Revival and Awakening

This message is especially for disciples who are forsaking all to follow Jesus Christ.

There is a great problem with the Church that must be solved. Until the problem is solved there are going to be negative consequences, dire consequences. What is the problem? The overall Church on this earth needs spiritual restoration. The truth be known, the Church has for a long time been in great need of restoration!

Some, maybe even many, people would quickly agree that there is a problem. Most of them would be agreeing without really understanding what they are agreeing with and/or without understanding the seriousness of the problem. Until they wake up these people can not really help the cause; they would just get in the way and add to the problem rather than helping bring the solution.

Others who can not help the cause include the following: those who are seeking things like self promotion, mental knowledge, and thoughts for a sermon or class they teach; those who are half-hearted; those who can be distracted; those who hate being lonely; those who are caught up in the things of the world and the modern Church; those who are people pleasers; those who will wilt when persecution arises.

Prophetic Words
Prophetically, the Lord put the three words restoration, revival and awakening in my heart and mind many years ago. Since then I have been looking for a few people with ears to hear and hearts to understand the problem who will become witnesses to bring the necessary changes to restore the Church. These few people will have to be real disciples-disciples who have been crucified with Christ, filled with His Spirit and have set their faces like flint to help bring forth a Church with Christ formed within.

If your heart is quickened while hearing and/or reading these words, then you are a candidate for becoming a witness. I am going to share a few definitions which will give insight about restoration, revival and awakening. These definitions can be developed and enhanced, but for those with ears to hear and eyes to see they will help shed some needed light.

Restoration is the bringing back of the Church to Jesus Christ and the original biblical pattern intended by Him for the Church that He is building.

Revival is coming back into full use because of being restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern.

Awakening is the restored and revived Church being and doing what Jesus Christ intended for her because she has been aroused from a long spiritual slumber that she will never return to.

Biblical pattern is the pattern found in the Bible as the Word of God is rightly divided.

There is a work of God to be done that can only be done by a restored Church. True and mature disciples of Jesus Christ must first work to bring forth a Church that is restored to Jesus Christ and His biblical pattern. May those disciples come forth and come forth quickly all to the glory of Jesus Christ.